Best Ayurveda Panchakarma Training Course in Trivandrum Kerala
Saatwika Ayurveda Academy
Saatwika Ayurveda Academy is one of the Best Ayurveda Panchakarma Training Course Centre in Trivandrum, Kerala. We offer various Short term Ayurveda and Panchakarma Courses.
Welcome To Saatwika Ayurveda Academy & Panchakarama Training Centre -Trivandrum, Kerala,India
Affiliated To Bharath Sevak Samaj, National Development Agency Promoted By Govt of India
6 months Ayurvedic courses, 1 Year of Ayurvedic Courses, and Short term Ayurveda panchakarma Courses are provided at Our Panchakarma Training Centre in Trivandrum Kerala.
Training Programmes for Kerala Students
The best short-term regular Ayurvedic training course in Trivandrum Kerala centre.
- Certificate Course in Ayurvedic Massage and Treatments- 6 months
- Diploma in Panchakarma and Yoga- 1 Year
Training Programmes for Non-Keralites and Foreign Students
Different Short-term Ayurveda and Panchakarma courses at Trivandrum Kerala Centre for non-keralites and foreigners- Convenient Batches.
We Offer the best
Ayurvedic Training Courses for Non-Keralite Students ( Both Indians and Foreign Students) in Trivandrum-Kerala
Short-term Ayurvedic and Panchakarma Training Courses in Trivandrum Institute, Kerala
1.Ayurveda -An Orientation Course
2. Ayurveda Massage Therapy Training Course
Duration-7 days
Fees-10000 INR
Click Here for the Syllabus of the Ayurvedic massage therapy training course
3.Ayurveda Massage and Treatment Course
Duration- 7 Days
Click Here for the Syllabus of the Ayurveda Massage and Treatment Course
4. Ayurvedic Beauty Treatments and Therapy
Duration-7 days
Fees-13000 INR
Click Here for the Syllabus
5.Ayurvedic Diet, Herbology and Cooking Course
Duration- 7 Days
Click Here for the Syllabus of Ayurvedic Diet, Herbology and Cooking Course
6. Ayurvedic Massage Therapy, Hair Care and beauty care
Duration-5 days
Fees-10000 INR
Click Here for the Syllabus of Ayurvedic Massage Therapy, Hair care Beauty care Course
7. Ayurvedic Massage Therapy and panchakarma treatment course
Duration- 14 Days
Click here for the syllabus of Ayurvedic Massage therapy and Panchakarma Treatment Course
8. Ayurvedic Massage Therapy, Pancha karma and Ayurvedic Treatment Course
Duration- 30 days
Fees-30000 INR
9. 15 Days Ayurvedic Massage Therapy and panchakarma treatment and Yoga Training
Duration- 15 Day
Click Here for the syllabus of 15 days of Ayurvedic massage, panchakarma treatment and yoga
10. 30 Days Ayurvedic Massage Therapy, Pancha karma and Yoga Course
Duration- 30 days
Fees-36000 INR
Click Here for the syllabus of 30 days Ayurveda Massage. Panchakarma treatments and yoga
11. Ayurvedic pharmacology and Medicinal plants Course
Duration- 7 Days
Fees- 8000INR
12. Ayurvedic Cooking and Nutrition Course
Certificate Model Of Our Regular Ayurveda Course
Affiliated to Bharat Sevak Samaj A national Development Agency Promoted by Government of India
Highlights of Our Ayurveda Panchakarma Courses in Trivandrum, Kerala
Short term and long term Ayurvedic Courses
Panchakarma training includes short term certificate courses, long term diploma courses and One-day Orientation Course.
Convenient Sessions and batches
We have Convenient Sessions and batches for native students and non-keralite students. one one one sessions are also available.
Theory classes by experienced Faculties
We have experienced and qualified faculties for theory classes. The assistance of expert therapy technicians is available in practical sessions.
Training in real panchakarma room
All practical sessions are conducted in real panchakarma treatment rooms. Students can familiarise and practice with the original equipment.
Practicals with original medicines and Oils
We give original medicines and oils during therapy training. Students can learn the application of medicine, oil and other ingredients from live practical sesions.
Sunday and holiday batches
We have Sunday and holiday batches for the convenience of working professionals and those who are studying other courses.
Students who Completed Our Ayurvedic Training Course in Kerala Institute Recently
Syllabas of Short term Ayurvedic Courses in Kerala
Saatwika Ayurveda Academy and Panchakarma Training Centre provide both theory classes and practical sessions in Trivandrum Institute, Kerala.
Ayurveda massage training course Syllabus-( 7days)
- Basic principles of Ayurveda
- Panchabhuthas
- tri dosha,
- Sapthadhathus
- Manogunas
- Types of jadaragni,
- Types of koshta,
- Basic principles in treatments.
- Basics Of Massages
- Benefits of massages
- Steps in massages
- Various oils used in Abhyanga,
- Various medicines used to make podikizhi,
- Preparation of steam, Benefits of snehanam and swedanam.
- Head massage (shiroabhyangam)
- Face massage (mugha abhyangam)
- Foot massage (pada abhyangam)
- Full body oil massage (Abhyanga) in 7 different positions.
- Udhwarthanam or powder massage
- Herbal steam bath
Time duration. 3 hours per day
10000-course fees
Ayurveda massage Therapy and training course Syllabus ( 7days)
- Basic principles of Ayurveda
- Panchabhutha concept
- Tri dosha concepts
- Different types of Vata, Pitta and Kapha
- Sapthadhathus
- Manoguna
- Tri dosha Sindhantha
- Concept of Prakriti
- Types of Prakriti (body constitution),
- The chart to analyse body Prakriti,
- Marma points
- Nadi pareeksha (pulse reading )
- Types of Agni, koshta and rasa .
- Benefits of massage
- Principles of treatments.
- Types of panchakarma.
- Benefits of snehanam and swedanam.
- Different types of kizhi
- Preparation of podikizhi and elakizhi.
- Shirodhara and benefits
- Udhwarthanam and benefits.
- Head massage (shiroabhyangam)
- Face massage (mugha abhyangam)
- Foot massage (pada abhyangam )
- Abhyangam ( full body oil massage in different positions)
- Shirodhara with oil
- Udhwarthanam or powder massage
- Preparation of podikizhi
- Preparation of elakizhi
Time duration 3 hours per day
course fees-12000 INR
Ayurvedic Diet, Herbology and Cooking Course Syllabus
- Basic principles of Ayurveda
- Panchabhutha concept
- Tridosha concepts
- Different types of Vata Pitta Kapha
- Sapthadhathus
- Manoguna
- Tridhosha Sindhantha,
- Concept of Prakriti
- Types of Prakriti (body constitution)
- Chart to analyse body Prakriti,
- Types of Agni, koshta and rasa.
- Benefits of massages
- Principles of treatments
- Types of panchakarma.
- Basic of dravyagunavijnanam (pharmacology)
- Panchavidha kashaya Kalpana
- Medicinal plants
- Ayurvedic diet (diet based on vata ,pitta, kapha prakrithi )
- Pathya Hara Seva during panchakarma therapies.
- Seasonal diet (ritucharya foods )
Ayurvedic Cooking recipes
- Preparation of swaras
- Kalka
- Kashaya
- Phantam
- Sheetham.
- Identification of medicinal plants
- Preparation of herbarium.
- Preparation of ayurvedic dishes
Time duration 3 hours per day.
Course fees- 12000 INR
Course Centre- Trivandrum. Kerala
Ayurveda Massage therapy and panchakarma Treatment Course 14 Days -Syllabas
Basic principles of Ayurveda
- Introduction to Ayurveda,
- Definition, history and origin of Ayurveda.
- Types of Veda.
- Aim and unique features of Ayurveda,
- Concept of health
- Ashtangas of Ayurveda (branches)
- Tridoshaconcept,(vata, pitta, kapha),
panchamahabhoothas concept ), sapthadhathu concept, trimala concepts. - Relations between mind body and soul.
- Tridhosha sidhantha , manoguna concept (satwikam,rajasam,tamasikam)
- Jadaragni(Types of digestion)
- Types of doshas tridoshas
- Concept of Koshta, Ojas, rithu(types of climate)
- Rithu charya(regime to follow in each climate)
- Concept of Prakriti(different body constitution) analysis of Prakriti (chart for finding Prakriti)
- Nadi pareeksha, (pulse reading in Ayurveda)
- Concept of Shadchakra.
- Ayurvedic diet concept
Dravyagunavijnanam (pharmacology)
- Knowledge of herbal medicines, (identification, description and medicinal values
- Description and preparation of different formulations in Ayurveda. (Panchavidha kashaya kalpana)
Snehakarma (Oleation Treatment)
- Internal Oleation, External Oleation
- Abhyanga (full body oil massage in different positions)
- Padabhyanga (Oleation of the feet)
- Shiroabhyanga (Oleation of Head)
Sweda Karma (Fomentation)
- Tapa Sweda,
- Upanaha Sweda
- Ushma Sweda,
- Drava Sweda (Sudation with liquids),
- Anagneya Sweda (Sudation without fire)
- Benefits of Sweda
- Panchakarma (pradhana karma)
- VAMANA ( Vomiting)
- VIRECHANAM (Purgation)
- VASTI (types of Enema)
- NASYA (Nasal Medication)
- Rakthamoksham(blood letting )
- Gandoosha (gargling)
Eye therapies (aschothanam, anjanam, tarpanam, putapakam) - Knowledge of different equipment used in Ayurveda.
- Knowledge of medicines used in Ayurveda and panchakarma therapies.
- Paschathkarma( regimes to be followed after panchakarma and special diet )
Marma Vijnanam
Vital Energy Points of our body
With demonstration
Human Anatomy and physiology.
Basics only
- Abhyanga (Ayurvedic Body Massage in different positions)
- Rejuvenation massage,
- Head massage (shiroabhyangam)
- Face massage (mugha abhyangam)
- Foot massage (pada abhyangam )
- Upanaham(special herbal paste bandage for knee joint)
- Lepanam (application of herbal paste)
- Elakizhi (Bolus Bag therapy with Medicinal Leaves)
- Podikizhi (Bolus Bag Therapy with Medicinal Powders)
- Njavarakizhi (Bolus Bag Therapy with Medicated Rice and milk)
- Udhwarthanam ( herbal powder massage)
- Dhanyamladhara (for the whole body)
- Ksheeradhara (for whole Body
- Shirodhara (Oil Dhara for Head)
- Ksheeradhara(for head)
- Thalapodhichil(special ayurvedic head pack)
- Aschothanam(eye drop)
Anjana - Kadee vasti therapy for lumbar spine)
- Greeva vasti (therapy for cervical spine)
- Janu vasti (therapy for Knee joint )
- Urovasthi (treatment for chest)
- Ayurvedic facial
- Nasyam (instillation of nasal drops)
- Pichu
Dhoomapanam(smoking of medicinal wick) - Medicated steam bath
Time schedule is 3 hours per day
The course fee is 20000 INR
15 days of ayurvedic massage, panchakarma and yoga- syllabus
1. Basic principles of Ayurveda
- Introduction to Ayurveda
- Definition
- History
- Origin of Ayurveda.
- Types of Veda.
- Aim and unique features of Ayurveda,
- Concept of health
- Ashtangas of Ayurveda (branches)
- Tridoshaconcept,(vata, pitta, kapha),
- Panchamahabhoothas concept )
- Sapthadhathu concept
- Trimala concepts
- Relations between mind body and soul.
- Tridhosha Siddantha
- Manoguna concept (satwikam,rajasam,tamasikam)
- Jadaragni(Types of digestion)
- Types of doshas -tridoshas
Concept of Koshta, Ojas, rithu(types of climate) - Rithucharya(regime to follow in each climate)
- Concept of Prakriti(different body constitution)
- Analysis of prakrithi (chart for finding prakrithi)
- Nadi pareeksha, (pulse reading in Ayurveda)
- Concept of Shadchakra.
Ayurvedic diet concept
2. Dravyagunavijnanam(pharmacology)
- Knowledge of herbal medicines, (identification, description and medicinal values
- Description and preparation of different formulations in Ayurveda. (Panchavidha kashaya kalpana)
3. Panchakarma
Snehakarama (Oleation Treatment)
- Internal Oleation,
- External Oleation
- Abhyanga (full body oil massage in different positions)
- Padabhyanga (Oleation of the feet)
- Shiro abhyanga (Oleation of Head)
Sweda Karma (Fomentation)
- Tapa Sweda
- Upanaha Sweda
- Ushma Sweda
- Drava Sweda (Sudation with liquids
- Anagneya Sweda
- (Sudation without fire) Benefits of Sweda
Panchakarma (pradhana karma)
- Vamana ( Vomiting)
- Virechanam(Purgation)
- Vasti (types of Enema)
- Nasya (Nasal Medication)
- Rakthamoksham(blood letting )
- Gandoosha (gargling)
Eye therapies (aschothanam, anjanam, tarpanam, putapakam) - Knowledge of different equipment used in Ayurveda.
- Knowledge of medicines used in Ayurveda and panchakarma therapies.
- Paschathkarma (regimes to be followed after panchakarma and special diet )
4.Marma Vijnananam
Vital Energy Points of our body with the demonstration
5. Human Anatomy and physiology.
Basics only
6. Fundamentals of yoga and yoga practices
- Introduction and history of yoga,
- Ashtanga of yoga
(Eight limbs of yoga ) - Schools of yoga (bhavana yoga , pranasamyamana yoga) , bhavana yoga ( karmayoga , bhakthiyoga , jnanayoga) pranasamyamana yoga (laya yoga , kundalininyoga , mantra yoga, hatha yoga , rajayoga)
- Pranayama and its benefits,
- Types of pranayams
- Shat karma (dhauthi , basthi , nethi, nauli, trataka, Kapal Bhati)
- Asanas and its benefits
- Suryanamaskaram
- Pranamasana
- Vajrasana
- Padmasana
- Sukasana
- Savasana
- Hasthauttanasana Padahasthasana
- Aashwasanchalanasana
- Parvathasana
- Uttanasana
- Halasana
- Matsyasana
- Dhanurasana
- Mayurasana
- Paschimotanasana
- Sarvangasana
- Sirshasana
- Bhujangasana
- Salabhasana
- Trikonasana,
- Sethubandanasana
- Ardha matsyendra asanas
- kakasana
- Abhyanga (Ayurvedic Body Massage in different positions)
- Rejuvenation massage,
- Head massage (shiroabhyangam)
- Face massage (mugha abhyangam)
- Foot massage (pada abhyangam )
- Upanaham(special herbal paste bandage for knee joint)
- Lepanam (application of herbal paste)
- Elakizhi (Bolus Bag therapy with Medicinal Leaves)
- Podikizhi (Bolus Bag
- Therapy with Medicinal Powders)
- Njavarakizhi (Bolus Bag Therapy with Medicated Rice and milk)
- Udhwarthanam ( herbal powder massage)
- Dhanyamladhara (for the whole body)
- Ksheeradhara (for whole Body
- Shirodhara (Oil Dhara for Head)
- Ksheeradhara(for head)
- Thalapodhichil(special
- Ayurvedic head pack)
- Aschothanam(eye drop)
- Anjana
- Kadee vasti therapy for lumbar spine)
- Greeva vasti (therapy for cervical spine)
- Janu vasti (therapy for Knee joint )
- Urovasthi(therapy for chest)
- Ayurvedic facial
- Nasyam (instillation of nasal drops)
- Pichu
- Dhoomapanam(smoking of medicinal wick)
- Medicated steam bath
- Suryanamaskaram
- Asanas of different types
- Pranayama
- Different breathing exercises.
Time schedule is 3 hours per day
It includes both theory and practical sessions
Total 45 hours in 15 days additional 10 hours for yoga sessions.
The course fee is 24000 INR
30 days of ayurvedic massage, panchakarma and yoga- syllabus
1.Basic principles of Ayurveda
- Introduction to Ayurveda
- Definition
- History and origin of Ayurveda.
- Types of Veda.
- Aim and unique features of Ayurveda,
Concept of health - Ashtangas of Ayurveda (branches)
- Tridoshaconcept,(vata, pitta, kapha),
- Panchamahabhoothas concept )
- Sapthadhathu concept,
- Trimala concepts.
- Relations between mind body and soul.
- Tridhosha sidhantha ,
- Manoguna concept (satwikam,rajasam,tamasikam)
- Jadaragni(Types of digestion)
- Types of dhoshas tridoshas
- Concept of Koshta, Ojas, rithu(types of climate)
- Rithucharya(regime to follow in each climate)
- Concept of Prakriti(different body constitution)
- Analysis of Prakriti (chart for finding Prakriti)
- Nadi pareeksha, (pulse reading in ayurveda)
- Concept of Shadchakra.
Ayurvedic diet concept
2. Dravyagunavijnanam(pharmacology)
- Knowledge of herbal medicines, (identification, description and medicinal values
- Description and preparation of different formulations in Ayurveda. (Panchavidha kashaya kalpana)
3. Panchakarma
Snehakarama (Oleation Treatment)
- Internal Oleation,
- External Oleation
- Abhyanga (full body oil massage in different positions)
- Padabhyanga (Oleation of the feet)
- Shiro abhyanga (Oleation of Head)
Sweda Karma (Fomentation)
- Tapa Sweda
- Upanaha Sweda
- Ushma Sweda
- Drava Sweda (Sudation with liquids
- Anagneya Sweda
- (Sudation without fire) Benefits of Sweda
Panchakarma (pradhana karma)
- Vamana ( Vomiting)
- Virechanam(Purgation)
- Vasti (types of Enema)
- Nasya (Nasal Medication)
- Rakthamoksham(blood letting )
- Gandoosha (gargling)
Eye therapies (aschothanam, anjanam, tarpanam, putapakam) - Knowledge of different equipment used in Ayurveda.
- Knowledge of medicines used in Ayurveda and panchakarma therapies.
- Paschathkarma (regimes to be followed after panchakarma and special diet )
4.Marma Vijnananam
Vital Energy Points of our body with the demonstration
5. Human Anatomy and physiology.
Basics only
6. Fundamentals of yoga and yoga practices
- Introduction and history of yoga,
- Ashtanga of yoga
(Eight limbs of yoga ) - Schools of yoga (bhavana yoga , pranasamyamana yoga) , bhavana yoga ( karmayoga , bhakthiyoga , jnanayoga) pranasamyamana yoga (laya yoga , kundalininyoga , mantra yoga, hatha yoga , rajayoga)
- Pranayama and its benefits,
- Types of pranayams
- Shat karma (dhauthi , basthi , nethi, nauli, trataka, Kapal Bhati)
- Asanas and its benefits
- Suryanamaskaram
- Pranamasana
- Vajrasana
- Padmasana
- Sukasana
- Savasana
- Hasthauttanasana Padahasthasana
- Aashwasanchalanasana
- Parvathasana
- Uttanasana
- Halasana
- Matsyasana
- Dhanurasana
- Mayurasana
- Paschimotanasana
- Sarvangasana
- Sirshasana
- Bhujangasana
- Salabhasana
- Trikonasana,
- Sethubandanasana
- Ardha matsyendra asanas
- kakasana
- Abhyanga (Ayurvedic Body Massage in different positions)
- Rejuvenation massage,
- Head massage (shiroabhyangam)
- Face massage (mugha abhyangam)
- Foot massage (pada abhyangam )
- Upanaham(special herbal paste bandage for knee joint)
- Lepanam (application of herbal paste)
- Elakizhi (Bolus Bag therapy with Medicinal Leaves)
- Podikizhi (Bolus Bag
- Therapy with Medicinal Powders)
- Njavarakizhi (Bolus Bag Therapy with Medicated Rice and milk)
- Udhwarthanam ( herbal powder massage)
- Dhanyamladhara (for the whole body)
- Ksheeradhara (for whole Body
- Shirodhara (Oil Dhara for Head)
- Ksheeradhara(for head)
- Thalapodhichil(special
- Ayurvedic head pack)
- Aschothanam(eye drop)
- Anjana
- Kadee vasti therapy for lumbar spine)
- Greeva vasti (therapy for cervical spine)
- Janu vasti (therapy for Knee joint )
- Urovasthi(therapy for chest)
- Ayurvedic facial
- Nasyam (instillation of nasal drops)
- Pichu
- Dhoomapanam(smoking of medicinal wick)
- Medicated steam bath
- Suryanamaskaram
- Asanas of different types
- Pranayama
- Different breathing exercises.
Time schedule is 3 hours per day
It includes both theory and practical sessions
Total 90 hours in 30 days additional 10 hours for yoga sessions.
The course fee is 35000 INR
Ayurvedic Cooking and nutrition Course 5 days-Syllabus
- Basic principles of Ayurveda
- Panchabhutha concept,
- Tridhosha concepts,
- Different types of vata pitta kapha,
Sapthadhathus,manoguna ,tri dosha sindhantha, - Concept of Prakriti ,types of prakrithi (body constitution), chart to analyse body prakrithi,
- Types of agni, koshta and rasa .
- Benefits of massages, principles of treatments.
- Basics of dietetics, diet and nutrition concepts in Ayurveda.
- How much quantity of food to be taken , merits and demerits of taking various food items .
- Basic rules for eating foods . Knowledge of virudhahara .
- Ayurvedic diet (diet based on vata ,pitta, kapha prakrithi )
- Pathya hara seva during panchakarma therapies.
- Seasonal diet (ritucharya foods )
- Ayurvedic cooking recipes
- Preparation of diet chart for different body types.
- Preparation of ayurvedic dishes
Time duration 3 hours per day.
Course fees – 9000 INR