How to eat honey according to Ayurveda

How To Eat Honey According To Ayurveda

Ayurveda recommends that honey be consumed moderately  Honey, the perfect sweetener in Ayurvedic medicine, possesses numerous health benefits. 

In this blog, Let’s explore honey’s healing power and Ayurvedic approach to eating honey.

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    Importance of honey in Ayurveda

    Honey is widely used in Ayurveda to prepare various herbal formulations as a preservative and sweetener.

     Honey provides relief from respiratory and digestive conditions and flushes out toxins accumulated in the body. 

    Consuming honey with black pepper and ginger juice helps manage cough and sore throat. 

    It can be used as a safe alternative to sugar for individuals suffering from high sugar levels. 

    Honey can promote wound healing and enhance skin regeneration; hence, it has become an active ingredient in the Ayurvedic cosmetic industry.

    What Are The Different Types Of Honey Available In India

    Different honey varieties are available in India, including comb honey, liquid honey, granulated honey, creamed honey, and chunk honey. 

    Honey is also available in raw and pasteurized form. 

    Pasteurized honey is heat-processed and strained, killing bacteria and causing botulism.

    How does honey form?

    Honey is formed by mixing the saliva of the bee variety Apis mellifera with nectar. 

    With the presence of enzyme invertase, it is converted into dextrose and levulose. 

    It is regurgitated into the comb cells and gets dehydrated with the movement of honey bees in the beehive. 

    It is stored in the beehive, and honey is converted into ripe honey. The enzyme invertase converts the sucrose into inverted sugars during the ripening process.

    How does honey ferment? 

    Honey, which is unripe, poorly processed, and with excessive moisture content, will grow yeast and decompose the sugar into acetic acid, carbon dioxide, and water. 

    Honey ripened with 80% sugar and maintained at 22 % sugar, if kept aside for some time, can ferment on exposure to the atmosphere. 

    Fermented honey possesses a sour taste with a foamy layer on the top.

    Is fermented honey good to use?

    Unlike raw honey, fermented honey also possesses various health benefits, including being rich in antioxidants, providing probiotics, and improving gut health. 

    It also helps absorb calcium and magnesium and promotes overall well-being.

    How does honey adulterate?

    Honey can be adulterated by adding cheap and inexpensive sugars into it. It can be adulterated with water or sugar, but sugar remains the most common. 

    Sugar is added to honey as a contaminant in two ways. 

    One method of honey adulteration called direct adulteration, is to mix a specific proportion of syrups with harvested honey to make it taste sweeter. 

    In another technique, indirect adulteration, bees are fed excessive amounts of sugar syrups to boost honey production in their hives. 

    The sugars commonly used for honey adulteration include high fructose corn syrup (HFCS), corn sugar syrup (COSS), inverted sugar syrup (ISS), and cane sugar syrup. 

    Furthermore, other contaminants include water, banana, wheat, and maize syrup or flour.

    Is Adulterated honey good to use?

    Adulterated honey doesn’t provide the health benefits of pure honey. 

    It lacks antioxidants and other essential elements found in pure honey. Adulterants such as sugar or corn syrup can contribute to health risks, including obesity, diabetes, etc., when consumed at higher levels.

    The adulteration compromises the quality of the honey, including texture, aroma, and taste. 

    People who are allergic can negatively impact the adulteration by causing allergic reactions.

    Which is the best honey, according to Ayurveda?

    Makshika is the best type of honey, according to Ayurveda.

    As per Ayurveda, honey is of four types, which is Makshika(honey collected from the red variety of honey bee), Bhraamara (obtained from the Bhrunara type), Kshaudra( obtained from a small type of honey bee) and Paittaka (collected from the Puttika type of bee).

    Role of honey in Ayurveda medicines

    Honey possesses the property known as Yogavahi or a catalyst and can carry medicinal properties from its ingredients. 

    Ayurveda utilizes the benefits of honey in various forms, such as a natural preservative and sweetener in many Ayurvedic formulations. 

    It also helps balance the vitiated Pitta and Kapha dosha back to normalcy.

    Honey is also used as an adjuvant or co-drink in various formulations to enhance the efficacy and palatability of the formulations. 

    It is an excellent adjuvant in Musali Khadiradi Kwath.

    Externally, honey is applied on wounds and burns to promote soothing healing owing to its antibacterial and wound-healing properties. 

    When consumed daily, it is also a digestive aid and rejuvenating substance in Ayurveda.

    Properties Of Honey According To Ayurveda

    The properties of honey include:

    • Rasa – Madhura(sweet in taste)
    • Anurasa – Kashaya (astringent in sub taste)
    • Guna – Qualities include laghu (light to digest), Vishada, and Rooksha
    • Vipaka – After digestion, it is converted into a sweet taste.
    • Veerya – Differences in opinion exist; some claim it as ushna (hot), and some as seeta(cold).
    • Effect on Tridosha – Balances Pitta and Kapha doshas

    Qualities And Indications Of Honey

    In various classics, Ayurvedic Acharyas explained honey’s qualities and indications.

    As per Acharya Susruta and Vagbhata, honey is sweet, astringent in subtaste, dry in quality, and cold in potency. 

    It is light to digest and improves skin complexion, appetite, and quality of voice.

    Honey is good for eyes and heart health, acts as an aphrodisiac, and heals wounds and fractures quickly. 

    It can reduce body weight and relieve respiratory conditions. 

    It also manages conditions such as obesity, cough, cold, diarrhea, ulcers, wounds, sunburns, etc. 

    Charaka Acharya included honey as one of the food items that can be consumed daily.

    Health Benefits Of Honey In Ayurveda

    From ancient times, Ayurveda utilized the health benefits of honey in various formulations. It includes:

    1. Honey for Cough – the mucolytic property of honey helps loosen the accumulated mucus in the chest region and relieves cough and associated symptoms.
    2. Honey for Diabetes – Owing to its deepening (appetizer) and pachanga (digestive) properties, it can regulate the body’s metabolic function and blood sugar.
    3. Honey for High Cholesterol – Enriched with antioxidants, it might lower the level of bad cholesterol in the body. Polyphenols can contribute by reducing the level of bad cholesterol and improving the level of good cholesterol.
    4. Honey for Diarrhea – Honey can be given to individuals with bacterial diarrheal infections; a recent study has proved that honey can inhibit the growth of bacteria causing diarrhea.
    5. Honey for ulcers – Honey rich in antioxidants can reduce the swelling associated with foot ulcers and promote healthy wound healing.
    6. Honey for burns – In minor burns, honey can balance the Pitta and Kapha dosha, promote healing, and provide a soothing effect due to its cold potency.
    7. Honey for digestion – Consuming honey in the morning is an effective remedy for constipation and hyperacidity. Due to its laxative and emetic properties, honey can improve overall digestive health.
    8. Honey for Skin – When applied externally, honey can be soothing to the skin, making it an essential ingredient in skincare products.

    How To Consume Honey According To Ayurveda

    Ayurveda recommends that honey be consumed moderately after thoroughly examining the individual constitution, dosha, and health status of the individuals. 

    Consumption of raw, unprocessed honey is promoted in the morning and with an empty stomach. 

    Avoid heating honey, but it can be taken with warm water, not boiled water, as heating leads to the formation of toxic substances in the body.

    Which Is The Best Time To Consume Honey According To Ayurveda?

    Taking honey in the morning can boost energy levels, enhance skin health, flush out toxins, help in weight management, and help reduce allergic reactions.

    Consuming honey in the evening with snacks as a replacement for sugar can provide nutrition and keep you active for the rest of the day.

    Honey water at night helps you sleep better, improves liver function, and lowers blood pressure.

    Honey can also be consumed whenever you feel sick, such as when you have a cold, cough, or throat. 

    Rich in antiviral and antibacterial properties, honey relieves cough and other respiratory infections.

    Which Time Is Not Suitable For Consuming Honey?

    Honey is generally safe to consume at any time; there are certain occasions when the consumption of honey must be avoided. 

    Honey must not be given to infants below the age of one, breastfeeding, and pregnant women. 

    People who have diabetes may avoid consumption of honey at night as it can spike blood sugars. People on weight loss programs might restrict the intake of honey.

    How Much Of Honey Can A Person Consume?

    Honey contains sugar, and intake must be at a moderate level. 

    According to the American Heart Association, men should not consume 150 mg daily from added sugars, and women should consume no more than 100 mg daily. 

    The consumption can vary depending on the individual’s age, sex, and health condition. 

    One can consume one teaspoon of honey with lukewarm water on an empty stomach in the morning for weight loss. 

    A maximum of 4-5 teaspoons of honey can be consumed daily as per Ayurveda. 

    Remember to consult a healthcare provider if you have any underlying medication to determine the dosage of honey.

    Rules For Eating Honey According To Ayurveda( Dos And Don’ts)

    Acharya Charaka explained in the classics that nothing is as troublesome as ama(toxins) formed by the improper consumption of honey. 

    Heating honey results in the destruction of digestive enzymes and ends up with the accumulation of toxins, leading to health complications. 

    Honey must be avoided with hot water or ghee in equal quantity. 

    Even in the renewed Ayurvedic medicine Chyavanprash, honey is added only after it cools down. 

    Honey can be consumed with cold water in the morning and on an empty stomach.

    The precautions and food that must be avoided are described below.

    Foods To Be Avoided With Honey

    Ayurveda explains honey as the best yogavahi (catalyst); it carries the therapeutic benefits of added ingredients. 

    However, in wrong combinations, it can be fatal and cause serious health complications. The food that must be avoided with honey include:

    1. Honey and ghee in equal quantity
    2. Honey and sesame oil in equal quantity
    3. Honey with hot water and milk
    4. Honey with fish and meat
    5. Honey and radish

    Precautions For Using Honey

    Honey is generally safe; however, certain precautions must be taken. Honey contains fructose and glucose that can elevate the blood sugar levels in the body. 

    Therefore, individuals with high blood sugar must consult a healthcare provider before consuming honey in higher doses.

    It can also be allergic to individuals sensitive to specific honey components such as bee pollen or other bee-related allergens. 

    The presence of C. botulinum and grayanotoxins in honey can be harmful to pregnant and lactating women. 

    Therefore, you are advised to visit your healthcare provider if you fall under this category.

    Internal consumption of honey is not advised for infants below one year. It may result in a health condition called infant botulism caused by Clostridium botulinum spores. 

    External application of honey must be performed after performing a patch test. 

    If any rashes or irritation pops up, immediately wash off with cold water.

    Honey – a natural medicine for diseases

    Honey is widely used as a natural home remedy for managing health conditions such as:

    1. Cough – Take a teaspoon of honey mixed with black pepper and fresh ginger juice and consume it twice daily.
    2. Diarrhea – Mix a teaspoon of honey with one teaspoon of curd. Take it twice a day.
    3. Infertility – Consume one teaspoon of honey with a glass of milk at night before bedtime.
    4. Weight loss – Mix honey with a glass of water and consume the same on an empty stomach in the morning.
    5. Ayurvedic formulations, including Sitopaladi choornam and Talisapatradi choornam, can be consumed with honey to manage respiratory conditions.

    External applications of honey

    Honey is one of the active ingredients of Ayurvedic cosmetic products due to its antioxidant and antibacterial properties. 

    The external application of honey includes:

    1. Burns: Applying honey over minor burns promotes the healing of burns.
    2. Diabetic ulcers in the foot: Formulations containing honey fasten the wound healing process and reduce swelling.
    3. Herpetic gingivostomatitis: Rinsing the mouth and swallowing the honey slowly lessen the symptoms of herpetic gingivostomatitis.
    4. Acne: 3ml of honey mixed with 3 grams of neem and turmeric powder applied over the acne provides quick relief from acne.

    Honey and Tridosha Principle

    According to the Sushruta Samhita, new and old honey have different effects on the body. 

    New honey nourishes the body and acts as a laxative but doesn’t help with excess Kapha dosha. 

    On the other hand, old honey absorbs water, reduces fat, and can cause constipation. Fresh honey can help increase body mass, while old honey may decrease it. 

    Old honey is recommended for treating obesity, while mature honey can balance the three doshas (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha). 

    Immature honey can imbalance the doshas and have a sour taste.

    According to the Ashtangahridaya, honey is classified as sweet. 

    Despite its sweetness, honey doesn’t contribute to an increase in the Kapha dosha.

    Who should avoid honey?

    Earlier in the blog, we had described in detail who should avoid honey. Honey must be taken in moderate amounts for those suffering from diabetes. 

    It must not be given to children below the age of one, and if you’re pregnant or breastfeeding, pave a visit to the health care provider.

    Honey versus Sugar: Which is better, and why?

    Honey is generally considered a better option than sugar due to its potential health benefits. 

    Unlike sugar, which is highly processed and provides empty calories, honey contains various vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. 

    It also has a lower glycemic index, which raises blood sugar levels more slowly and evenly than sugar. 

    Honey has antimicrobial properties and may help soothe sore throats and coughs. 

    However, using honey in moderation is essential, as it is still high in calories and sugars.

    Honey with modern medicine

    1. Honey may react with the anticoagulant/antiplatelet medicines and slow the process of blood clotting. Hence, consumed in overdose might increase the risk of bleeding and bruising.
    2. It may interact with phenytoin and increase the level of the same in the body.
    3. Honey can interact with the medicines broken down by the liver and change the duration of breakdown by the liver cells.


    1. Can we eat honey with milk?

    Consumed in moderate amounts, milk and honey may improve sleep quality, support bone health, and promote heart health.

    1. Can we eat honey with chicken?

    In Ayurveda, a group of incompatible food items is known as Virudhahara. Honey and chicken come under the category of incompatible food items and, when consumed, cause serious health complications.

    1. Is honey hot or cold, according to Ayurveda?

    Ayurveda has a controversial opinion regarding the topic. 

    While some Acharyas explained honey as cold potency, others described it as hot.

    1. Why can’t honey mix with hot water?

    Honey, when mixed with hot water, instantly produces toxins that can cause long-term respiratory and digestive conditions. 

    Hence, it is not recommended to consume honey with hot water.

    1. Is honey good for diabetes? Why?

    Honey can be consumed in moderate amounts under the guidance of a healthcare provider as a replacement for sugar. It has a low glycemic index value and doesn’t cause sudden sugar spikes.


    1. From what age can a kid consume honey?

    Honey can’t be consumed by a kid less than the age of one year as it can cause botulism. You must wait till the age of one to consume honey in small amounts.

    1. Can I have honey daily?

    Honey can be consumed in moderate amounts daily. 

    A healthy man can consume a maximum of three teaspoons and a woman two teaspoons of honey daily, as per the AHA.

    1. How many times can a person consume honey in a day?

    The frequency can vary depending on the individual’s health status. Honey can be consumed alone or combined with various food supplements depending on the dietary need.

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