Infant Massage in Ayurveda

Infant Massage in Ayurveda

Hey, new mom, 

Confused about providing a soothing oil massage to your little ones after reading tons of information? Here’s the ultimate guide on infant massage in Ayurveda.

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    What is Infant Massage Or Shishu Abhyanga?

    Infant Massage in Ayurveda, or Shishu Abhyanga, is a traditional Ayurvedic therapy widely practiced among newborn babies in India.

    Daily oil massage offers numerous benefits, including increased strength, body nourishment, improved skin texture, stimulation of the digestive system, and promotion of growth, development, and health of the newborn.

    Infant massage in Ayurveda includes gently applying oil or other unctuous substances over the whole body with optimum pressure, followed by a bath.

    Infant massage can be performed in neonates who are vitally stable with proper care and precautions under the guidance of a registered Ayurvedic physician.

    The Ayurvedic concept of Infant Massage or Shishu Abhyanga

    Ayurveda detailed Shishu Abhyanga among Navajata Shishu Paricharya, where the detailed care of newborns is explained. 

    The process of childbirth is indeed a physically demanding process for the mother and the baby, which leads to an imbalance in the Vata dosha, one of the three fundamental energies in the human body.

    Vata dosha, which is primarily responsible for movement and communication and controls the nervous system when vitiated, can result in restlessness, disturbance in sleep, dryness of the skin, difficulty settling down, etc.

    The newborn babies commonly suffer from these challenges, which points to the importance of abhyanga. 

    With suitable oil, Abhyanga is the best remedy for balancing Vata dosha among newborn babies.

    The warm oil massage nourishes the delicate skin and tissues, calms the nervous system, and provides ultimate relaxation.

    The gentle strokes of massage can improve blood circulation, eliminate unwanted materials from the body, and promote the child’s overall growth.

    Abhyanga follows a bath with lukewarm water, further promoting the baby’s well-being.

    The neonates are wrapped in warm clothing to retain heat and warmth, offering comfort and smoothness for the child. 

    Aim of Infant Massage in Ayurveda

    Ayurveda gives prime importance to infancy (until one year) as it is the foundation of adult life. 

    The newborn grows rapidly during their first year of life, including rapid weight gain, increase in length, and development of gross motor skills, including crawling, sitting, and fine motor skills such as grasping, sucking, object manipulation, etc. 

    Abhyanga helps with the fine development of these activities and promotes overall growth and development. 

    Ayurvedic schools incorporate snehana or oleation both externally and internally. In infants, we can’t administer snehana internally during the initial days; external oil massage helps neonates.

    Daily oil massage enhances blood circulation, providing more oxygenated blood to the tissues and supporting the healthy development of the newborn.

    Importance of Infant Massage in Child Development

    Infant massage therapy in Ayurveda provides comforting tactile stimulation and nourishment for the holistic development of the mind, body, and spirit. 

    Furthermore, it strengthens the emotional bond between the parent and their child.

    The gentle massage releases the happy hormone oxytocin, promoting emotional bonding.  

    The therapy also helps develop muscles and bones, strengthening the nervous system. 

    Research also proved the use of oil provides benefits, including reduction of stress, increase in body weight, and additional energy.

    Benefits Of Massage For Babies

    Infant massage in Ayurveda or Shishu Abhynga offers numerous health benefits to infants, including

    • Induces sound sleep in babies
    • Promotes emotional bonding between the parent and the baby
    • Reduce physical and mental fatigue, making them more relaxed.
    • Improves immunity
    • Enhance the strength of muscles, bones, and tendons.
    • Nourishes skin, hair, and scalp.
    • Stimulate the digestive system and ease digestive complaints, including burping, constipation, and aches.
    • Development of fine and motor skills of the baby.
    • Improve body weight.
    • Enhances the working capacity of the senses
    • Relieves pain, fatigue, and lassitude
    • Helps with the overall growth and development of the child

    When to massage a baby 

    As per Ayurveda teachings, the daily oil massage can start once the baby is vitally stable. 

    The therapy can be practiced daily once either in the morning or in the evening in an empty stomach. 

    If the baby has been fed, it is advised to wait for at least one hour to perform the therapy.

    If one fails to start an infant massage after birth, don’t worry, then there is no specific time or indications to begin the procedure unless the baby is healthy.

    If there are signs of illness or sickness, including tiredness, refusal to feed, or respiratory conditions, we recommend you visit a pediatrician before continuing the process.

    How to make baby ready for a massage

    Always remember to create a soothing and calm atmosphere to make the baby calm and relaxed.

    A room with a temperature not less than 25 degrees Celsius can be chosen.

    Slowly lay the child on the tub or a clean sheet on a flat, stable surface to provide a smooth massage. 

    Before beginning, wash your hands thoroughly, and your nails must be trimmed. 

    Always keep eye contact with the baby, listen to their concerns, and take necessary breaks whenever needed.

    Check the temperature of the oil on your skin before applying it to the child’s body. 

    Start massaging on the more comfortable area and slowly increase the pressure and speed accordingly. Keep the sessions short, with a maximum period of 15 minutes.

    How to massage a baby according to -Ayurveda-Step by step procedure

    • The double boil method must slightly warm the suitable oil selected per your Ayurvedic physician’s advice.
    • The newborn can sit comfortably on a tub or clean sheet.
    • Gently begin the massage by applying oil on the scalp down to the feet.
    • Use gentle linear strokes along the limbs and circular strokes along the joints.
    • Massage the baby’s abdomen in large circular strokes.
    • Turn the baby into the belly and massage the hips, back, and buttocks.
    • If the baby is showing signs of discomfort, crying or upset, stop the procedure, make them comfortable and restart it.
    • A lukewarm water bath is followed by infant massage, and the infant must be kept in a warm cotton cloth to maintain warmth and body temperature.

    Oils used in Shishu Abhyanga

    Ayurveda recommends using various oils for Shishu Abhyanga as per the infant’s health condition. The commonly used oils are:

    • Nalpamaradi Keram
    • Eladi Keram
    • Coconut oil
    • Sesame oil
    • Almond oil
    • Olive oil
    • Jojoba oil

    How To Choose the best oil for infant massage?

    Many oils are available in the market for infant massage. 

    Always consult your Ayurvedic physician before selecting the oil. 

    Always prefer a plant-based oil to a mineral-based oil as the same can cause the skin to sticky and occlude the skin surface.

    Consult the pediatrician for selecting the oil because the child can get allergic to some.

    Always prefer odor-free oil as most added scents can be chemical or essential oil bases.

    Refined or purified oils tend to be devoid of unwanted additives like yeasts and molds that may be found in certain cold-pressed oils. 

    Through the refining process, allergens are typically eliminated, and the oil’s shelf life is significantly prolonged.

    Small individual bottles(50ml) prevent any contamination. 

    The oil is used quickly, further preventing the oxidation of the oil.

    Choosing linoleate-enriched oils may enhance skin barrier function and improve outcomes in neonates with compromised skin barrier function.

    Duration of Shishu Abhyanga

    The massage therapy involved applying moderate pressure and lasted for 15 minutes.

    It followed a protocol designed for infant massage. 

    This protocol includes three phases, each lasting 5 minutes. 

    The first and third phases involve tactile stimulation, while the middle step involves kinesthetic stimulation. 

    During the tactile stimulation phase, the baby is placed face down and gently stroked with moderate pressure. 

    During the kinesthetic stimulation phase the infant lies on their back and each arm, then each leg, and finally both legs together are flexed and extended.

    Precautions during an infant massage

    Certain precautions must be taken while performing infant massage, including:

    • Abhyanga must be done only after getting permission from your healthcare provider.
    • Always remember to take care of the umbilical cord and umbilicus while doing massage.
    • One must observe for healing after the fall of the umbilical cord.
    • Avoid the use of oil that is allergic to the child.
    • Don’t perform abhyanga with less or too much pressure.
    • Care must be taken while holding the baby to prevent it from falling and causing injury.

    Dos and Don’ts


    It is generally a safe procedure that can be performed if the infant is vitally stable.


    • Avoid massaging the baby’s face, head, and genital area. 
    • Care must be taken to avoid oil spreading to the baby’s eye.
    • Don’t feed the baby soon after feeding.
    • Avoid giving massages if the baby shows signs of indigestion, vomiting, or loose stools.
    • Avoid massaging if the baby has any respiratory conditions, including cold, cough, fever, or other illnesses.
    • Care must be taken if the child is premature or low birth weight.
    • If the child suffers from skin rashes or other skin infections, avoid massaging the affected area to prevent further irritation.
    • Avoid stretching the limbs, pulling the ears and nose, squeezing breast tissue, slapping the back too hard during massage, pressing too firmly on the abdomen, bending the body too much, crossing the arms and legs tightly, or overextending the limbs during massage.


    Including infant massage in the daily routine of the newborn provides long-term benefits to the baby. It can provide ultimate relaxation and enhance your children’s emotional and mental bond.

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