Ayurvedic Treatment for Dengue Fever

Ayurvedic Treatment for Dengue Fever

Ayurvedic treatment for dengue fever offers a holistic and personalized approach to managing its symptoms. It combines herbs, formulations, dietary modifications, and lifestyle modifications. Explore the blog to learn more about how Ayurveda can manage dengue fever.

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    Importance of Ayurvedic treatment in the management of Dengue fever

    Ayurvedic treatment plays an important role in managing dengue fever by addressing symptoms, boosting immunity, and promoting faster recovery.

    Ayurveda addresses the root cause of the disease and enhances proper recovery from dengue with a combination of herbal formulations, home remedies, and dietary and lifestyle modifications.

    These therapies support reducing fever and associated symptoms, increasing platelet count, improving body fluid levels, preventing relapse, and enhancing long-term health. 

    What is Dengue Fever?

    Dengue fever, or breakbone fever, is a viral infection that spreads from mosquitoes to people.

    Most people who get dengue fever will not have symptoms. 

    The common symptoms of dengue fever include high fever, headache, body aches, nausea, and rash.

    The symptoms are usually relieved in one or two weeks. In some individuals, however, they get worse and cause life-threatening conditions known as severe dengue fever.

    The virus is transmitted by Aedes mosquitoes, primarily the female vectors Aedes aegypti and A albopictus.

    It is commonly found in the tropical and subtropical parts of the world.

    Who gets Dengue Fever?

    Anyone bitten by an infected mosquito is at risk of developing dengue fever. It is the fastest-spreading mosquito-borne disease worldwide, affecting 100 million people annually, leading to 250,000 deaths annually, and being prevalent in more than 100 countries.

    Children and older adults are more prone to developing dengue fever. Dengue epidemics occur yearly in Southeast Asia, the Western Pacific Islands, Latin America, and Africa.

    Signs and Symptoms

    The initial symptoms of dengue fever include:

    • Abrupt onset of high fever
    • Severe frontal headache
    • Pain behind the eyes, which worsens with eye movement
    • Muscle and joint pains
    • Loss of sense of taste and appetite
    • Measles-like rash over chest and upper limbs
    • Nausea and vomiting

    Most people recover from dengue fever within a week. The symptoms can sometimes worsen, leading to dengue hemorrhagic fever. The warning symptoms of severe dengue fever include:

    • Frequent vomiting with or without blood
    • Bleeding from nose, mouth & gums, and skin rashes.
    • Fatigue and restlessness
    • The patient feels thirsty, and their mouth becomes dry.
    • Rapid, weak pulse
    • Difficulty in breathing

    Clinical Presentation of dengue fever

    Dengue fever begins after an incubation period of 4 to 6 days, and the course follows 3 phases.

    Febrile stage

      1. The fever lasts for 2 to 7 days.
      2. The affected individual may experience symptoms including severe headache, myalgia, retro-orbital pain, joint pain, and rashes. 
      3. Some may have infected oropharynx and facial erythema within 24 to 48 hours after onset.

    Critical phase

    1. The second phase begins at defervescence and typically lasts 24 to 48 hours.
    2. Most individuals do not enter this phase, but those who do can involve complications, including shock from high fever or internal bleeding. 
    3. It is the most crucial period for close monitoring.

    The Convalescent phase

    1. This is the final stage of dengue fever. 
    2. The body gradually recovers, and various symptoms of dengue gradually improve. 
    3. The patient’s fever disappears, appetite improves, and they urinate more.

    Causes of Dengue Fever

    Dengue fever is a viral infection spread by the bite of infected mosquitoes. 

    • The female Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus primarily spread the dengue virus and can bite during the day and night.
    • The viruses that cause dengue fever are DENV1, DENV2, DENV4, and DENV4, which are the categories of the flavivirus genus.
    • When an infected mosquito bites a human, the virus is transmitted into the blood and causes an infection.

    After recovery, an individual becomes immune to the type of virus that infected them but not to the other three types.

    Also, there is a chance of developing severe symptoms when affected again by the dengue virus. 

    Risk Factors and Complications of Dengue Fever

    There is a greater risk of developing dengue if:

    1. Living or traveling in endemic regions such as Central and South America, Africa, and parts of Asia and Pacific islands.
    2. Previous infection with dengue can increase the chance of developing severe symptoms.
    3. Children below the age of 12 and older adults.
    4. People with weakened immune systems are at greater risk of developing dengue fever.

    Severe dengue can be fatal if not treated properly. The complications of dengue fever include: 

    • Internal bleeding
    • Organ damage
    • Liver injury
    • Cardiomyopathy
    • Pneumonia
    • Orchitis
    • Oophoritis 
    • Seizures
    • Encephalopathy
    • Encephalitis.

    When pregnant women are affected by the dengue virus, there is a chance of spreading the virus to the baby during childbirth. Pregnant women who get affected with dengue can lead to a high-risk preterm birth, low birth weight, or fetal distress in children.

    Severe Dengue Fever (Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever)

    In some individuals, the symptoms of dengue fever last more than a week and become life-threatening. This condition is known as Severe Dengue, Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever, or Dengue Shock Syndrome.

    This condition develops when the virus infects the blood vessels.

    The blood vessels become damaged and leaky, and the platelet count drops.

    It requires immediate medical attention and, if not treated, can lead to shock, internal bleeding, organ failure, and even death.

    The symptoms of severe dengue fever include: 

    • Severe abdominal pain
    • Persistent vomiting (at least 3 times in 24 hours)
    • Bleeding from the nose or gums
    • Vomiting blood or blood in the stool
    • Rapid breathing
    • Thirst and dry mouth
    • Drowsiness and restlessness

    How is dengue fever diagnosed?

    Dengue fever is diagnosed through clinical evaluation, laboratory tests, and imaging studies.

    The healthcare provider will inquire about your medical and travel history, including any international trips, dates, and mosquito contact.

    Clinical evaluation also includes physical examination and the assessment of symptoms.

    Doctors may suggest combining blood tests and imaging studies to rule out dengue, as the symptoms mimic those of Zika or Chikungunya.

    Laboratory investigation for dengue fever

    The laboratory investigations for dengue fever include:

    NS1 Antigen Test

    This test detects the NS1 protein of the dengue virus, which is present in the blood during the early stages of infection (usually within the first 1-5 days).

    A positive result can help confirm dengue, especially in the acute phase.

    Dengue IgM and IgG Antibody Tests

    These tests measure the presence of IgM and IgG antibodies against dengue. IgM antibodies are usually detectable around 4-5 days after the onset of symptoms, peaking around 2-3 weeks and then gradually decreasing.

    IgG antibodies appear later (around the second week), remain for life, and are usually used to detect past or secondary dengue infections.

    Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) Test

    This molecular test detects the RNA of the dengue virus in the blood. It’s susceptible and specific, especially in the first week of infection, and can also help identify the particular dengue virus serotype.

    Complete Blood Count (CBC)

    A CBC is not specific for dengue but is essential for monitoring. A low platelet count (thrombocytopenia) and low white blood cell (leukopenia) count occur every day in dengue. Hematocrit levels may also increase due to plasma leakage.

    Liver Function Test (LFT)

    Since dengue can affect the liver, liver function tests (such as ALT and AST) may be elevated, especially in severe cases.

    These tests help confirm the diagnosis, determine the stage of infection, and guide clinical management.

    Ayurvedic perspective of dengue fever

    In Ayurveda, dengue fever is correlated with Dandaka Jwara, a condition described as being primarily spread by a specific type of mosquito. The signs and symptoms of Dandaka Jwara, include:

    • Severe breaking pain in the bones and joints.
    • Swelling and tenderness over joints.
    • Symptoms of common cold(pratishaya) include cough, sore throat and throat pain.
    • Rise and fall of fever.

    The complications of dengue, known as Severe Dengue, are correlated with Sannipataja jwara Lakshana with symptoms including purpura, gum bleeding, aches and pain in joints, heading, respiratory distress and cardiac involvement. 

    When To Seek Medical Help

    If you are experiencing any of the following symptoms, seek medical help immediately.

    1. The fever persists beyond 3 to 4 days and is unresponsive to treatment.
    2. Severe abdominal pain or tenderness
    3. Persistent vomiting
    4. Bleeding gums, nose, and blood in the stool
    5. Shortness of breath
    6. Pale and cold skin.
    7. Severe weakness or drowsiness.

    Ayurvedic treatment for Dengue Fever

    Ayurvedic management of dengue fever emphasizes strengthening the immune system and controlling the temperature.

    Although modern science does not provide a particular method of managing dengue fever, Ayurvedic formulations can effectively manage the condition.

    Ayurvedic formulations help treat the symptoms of Jwara using Jwarahara medicines(formulations pacifying fever), Sotha(edema) using sothahara medicines, and Vedana(pain) by providing vedana hara medicines. The therapies also boost the patient’s immune system by giving rejuvenating formulations.

    Ayurvedic formulations used in the management of dengue fever

    Ayurvedic classics provide a wide range of potent formulations for addressing the symptoms of dengue fever.

    These formulations are usually advised after analyzing the condition of each patient.

    The formulations used in the management of dengue fever include:

    • Amritottaram Kwath
    • Vettumaran Gulika
    • Sudarsanam tablets
    • Dasamoola katutrayam kwath
    • Drakshadi kwath
    • Godanti Bhasma
    • Sanshamani Vati

    For Dehydration 

    • Shadanga paniya
    • Dhanyakadi hima
    • Water or cardamom and clove

    These liquid preparations may be given in appropriate dosage in an interval of 3 to 4 hours.

    Always consult an Ayurvedic physician before consuming the medication, as Ayurvedic formulations are personalized for each individual’s disease condition.

    Herbal remedies for the management of dengue fever

    Herbal remedies commonly recommended in Ayurveda for managing dengue fever include:

    Papaya Leaf Juice

    • Papaya leaf extract is known to help increase platelet count and boost immunity, which is essential in managing dengue.
    • Extract juice from fresh tender papaya leaves and take 1-2 tablespoons twice daily.


    • Giloy is a powerful immune booster, anti-inflammatory, and antipyretic herb, effective in reducing fever and enhancing recovery.
    • Boil a few stems of Giloy in water to make a decoction and drink it twice daily, or use Giloy tablets as per dosage instructions.


    • Tulsi leaves have antimicrobial and antioxidant properties, which can help fight infections and strengthen immunity.
    • Add a few fresh tulsi leaves to boiling water and drink tea 2-3 times a day.


    • Neem has antiviral and immune-boosting properties, which are beneficial in dengue management.
    • Boil neem leaves in water to prepare a decoction, and drink a cup twice daily.


    • Amla is high in vitamin C and has powerful antioxidant properties that support the immune system.
    • Drink fresh amla juice or take amla powder daily to aid in recovery and boost immunity.


    • Known for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, turmeric can help reduce inflammation and promote faster recovery.
    • Add a pinch of turmeric powder to warm milk and drink it daily.

    Fenugreek (Methi) Seeds

    • Fenugreek seeds can help reduce fever and alleviate pain associated with dengue.
    • Soak fenugreek seeds in water overnight, strain, and drink the water. Alternatively, fenugreek tea can be prepared.

    Guava Juice

    • Guava is rich in vitamin C, which aids in boosting immunity.
    • Fresh guava juice can be taken once daily to help support immune function.

    Always consult an Ayurvedic practitioner or healthcare provider before beginning any herbal remedy, particularly in severe dengue cases. When combined with proper rest, hydration, and monitoring, these remedies can be valuable in managing symptoms and promoting recovery from dengue fever.

    Role of diet in the management of dengue fever

    In Ayurveda, proper nutrition is essential for managing dengue fever. It focuses on boosting immunity, maintaining hydration, and supporting recovery.

    • Consume easily digestible food, including khichdi, rice gruel, and vegetable soups.
    • Avoid the use of heavy, oily, and spicy foods.
    • Hydrate with coconut water, barley water, and fresh juices, including pomegranate juice, orange and guava.
    • The diet includes vitamin C-rich fruits like amla, pomegranate, and guava.
    • Eat vegetables like spinach, carrots, and beetroot, which can boost immunity.
    • Mild spices like cumin, fennel, and turmeric help reduce inflammation and support digestion.
    • Avoid fatty and greasy foods, sugary and processed items, and caffeinated or alcoholic beverages.
    • Eat small and frequent meals to maintain optimum energy levels and nutritional content in the body.

    Sample Diet Plan for Dengue Patients

    • Morning: Coconut water or some fresh juices
    • Breakfast: Rice gruel with a bit of ghee
    • Mid-morning: Fresh pomegranate juice or guava juice
    • Lunch: Moong daal khichdi with soft-cooked vegetables.
    • Afternoon: Amla or Tulsi tea
    • Dinner: Rice gruel with boiled pumpkin and turmeric

    Lifestyle tips for the management of dengue fever

    • Always consume boiled water
    • In cases of acute fever, taking a bath should be avoided. 
    • Patients should avoid physical work, exertion, and travel. 
    • Herbal fumigation at home can be done using neem leaves to prevent the breeding of mosquitoes.
    • Getting as much rest as possible.
    • Monitor warning signs and visit your healthcare professional immediately if you’re experiencing the same.

    These lifestyle tips can help support recovery, but consulting a healthcare professional for personalized care and monitoring during dengue fever is essential.

    Fruits that help increase platelet count

    Certain fruits support platelet production and boost immunity for dengue patients. Here are some fruits commonly recommended:


    Papaya and its leaves are famous for increasing platelet count. Papaya leaf extract is especially beneficial for dengue recovery.


    Rich in iron, pomegranate helps maintain a healthy platelet count and boosts hemoglobin levels.


    Kiwi is packed with vitamins, especially Vitamin C, which strengthens the immune system and helps platelet formation.


    Oranges’ high vitamin C content helps improve immunity and aids in faster platelet recovery.


    Guava is rich in Vitamin C and antioxidants, which can help in platelet regeneration and boost immune health.

    Dragon Fruit:

    This fruit has high levels of antioxidants and vitamins that benefit overall health and may support platelet production.

    Coconut Water:

    Although not a fruit per se, coconut water is excellent for hydration, which is crucial in dengue recovery. Hydration also supports better blood cell functioning.

    In addition, staying hydrated and consuming a nutrient-rich diet is essential for supporting platelet levels and boosting recovery.

    Signs of recovery from Dengue fever

    Signs of recovery from dengue fever can vary depending on the individual. Here are the general recovery signs:

    • Reduction in body temperature
    • Increased platelet count
    • Improved appetite
    • Stable pulse, blood pressure, and breathing rate
    • No evidence of external or internal bleeding
    • Reduced nausea or vomiting
    • Good urine output
    • Stable hematocrit or RBC count

    How to improve immunity post-dengue

    Dengue fever can weaken the immune system. Hence, care must be taken to boost it. Here are tips for improving your immunity post-dengue.

    • During dengue, the body loses a lot of fluids due to high fever, sweating, and sometimes vomiting. Therefore, drink enough fluids to hydrate yourself.
    • Eat a diet rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Incorporate plenty of fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins into the diet.
    • Incorporate immunity-boosting herbs and food such as pomegranates, amla, and turmeric into the diet.
    • Consider taking a supplement after consulting with your physician.
    • Monitor your progress with regular checkups with your physician.
    • Avoid overexertion or rigorous physical activity until you regain the strength.
    • Maintain good hygiene practices.
    • Monitor platelet count, as it takes some time to return to normal.

    General tips and guidelines for the prevention of dengue fever

    Preventing dengue fever is as essential as caring for your health during the infection.

    Here are the tips and guidelines for the prevention of dengue fever.

    • Consider taking dengue vaccines before the onset of dengue season.
    • Wear clothes that cover the body.
    • Use mosquito repellents while going outside.
    • Use mosquito nets, windows, and door screens.
    • Avoid being outside in the morning and evening.
    • Remove stagnant water around the home.
    • Clear the drains, plant pots, and other vessels collecting water.
    • Fumigate the house every evening using aparajita churna.

    Ayurveda treatment can significantly help with dengue fever by supporting the body’s natural healing processes. By combining herbal remedies, dietary adjustments, and lifestyle practices,

    Ayurveda addresses symptoms, strengthens immunity, and enhances recovery. Please remember to consult a qualified practitioner for personalized guidance.


    What is the best Ayurvedic medicine for dengue?

    Ayurvedic formulations for dengue fever depend on each patient’s condition. Effective medications for fever include Amruthothara Kashayam, Vetumaaran tablets, and Sudarshan tablets.

    Dasamoola Katu Trayam Kashayam is recommended for respiratory-related issues, while Drakshadi Kashayam can be beneficial for tiredness.

    Treatment choice is based on each doctor’s clinical judgment (yukti), and the underlying causative problems must be addressed to ensure adequate recovery.

    Is dengue curable in Ayurveda?

    Ayurveda can help manage the symptoms of dengue fever and accelerate the recovery process by combining herbal formulations, herbs, dietary and lifestyle modifications.

    What are the ways to improve platelet count in Dengue fever?

    Ayurveda recommends following herbal formulations and including platelet-boosting herbs and fruits, such as papaya, kiwi, pomegranate, and orange, to enhance platelet levels.

    How long does it take for dengue fever to get away?

    The period for dengue recovery can depend on the individual.

    Usually, people recover entirely from the fever within one to two weeks.

    What are the common fruits I can consume during dengue fever?

    You can consume kiwi, papaya, pomegranate, orange, guava, and amla to boost immunity and enhance strength.

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