Pizhichil Treatment in Ayurveda

Pizhichil treatment in Ayurveda

Pizhichil, The king of Ayurvedic treatments, is a modified form of Kayaseka developed by Keraleeya Vaidyas and is extensively practised worldwide. 

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    Pizhchil treatment is one of the most anti-ageing and rejuvenating therapies in Ayurveda. Not everyone qualifies for it. Let us know more about it.

    What is Pizhichil

    Pizhichil is one of Ayurveda’s most royal treatments, thanks to its incredible rejuvenating power. Pizhichil is an unctuous type of sudation in which the warmed oil is poured all over the body or a specific part for a stipulated period in a specific manner.

    Throughout this therapy, the body is exposed to streams of lukewarm oil with soft massage and rhythmic hand movements.

    In this process, fixed-size linen clothes are dipped in tolerably hot oil or paste and squeezed from a certain height on the patient’s body. 

    It is usually pinched from a distance of seven to nine inches to the body’s surface. 

    Massaging begins as the tolerably hot oil is squeezed onto the body. While doing Pizhichil, every part of the patient’s body needs to be squeezed and massaged. 

    So the patient is treated by sitting and lying in different positions. These are known as the seven positions of Kayaseka.

    Although this treatment is famous for its relaxing and rejuvenating effect, pizhichil treatment also has many other benefits. 

    A whole-body type of shirodhara, pizhichil (squeezing), is called sarvangadhara (pouring a thin stream of oil or other fluids across the entire oil). Medicated oil used in this procedure is poured all over the body in a synchronous format when the oil is lukewarm. 

    Thus this fruitful combination of massage, heat and herbal oils makes this a complete therapy.

    Unlike other treatments, pizhichil treatment often requires two or more therapists who would simultaneously massage different parts of the body. This is also not a single-session procedure. It can be continued for about 7 to 28 days, depending on the body’s condition and the patient’s schedule.

    Pizhichil is a procedure that results in profuse sweating and is a great way to eliminate toxins from the body. This detoxification results in soft, glowing skin and a healthy circulatory system and slows aging. This helps in overcoming anxiety and depression. It also reduces stress and other related body stiffness or pain. 

    Pizhichil is proven to be effective in managing neurological disorders too.

    Moreover, the symbiotic effects of massage, heat and medicated oils result in a complete feeling of wellness, improving mental and physical well-being. It also assures a quick recovery from an illness or infection by removing fatigue and improving the body’s immunity.

    Which diseases are treated by pizhichil?

    The Pizhichil treatment is equipped with the goodness of both oils and heat, providing numerous amazing benefits to the body and mind. Some of the diseases are mentioned here as follows :

    • Osteoarthritis
    • Lumbar spondylosis
    • Cervical spondylosis
    • Avascular necrosis of femur
    • Paralysis
    • Tuberculosis
    • Lung fibrosis
    • Interstitial lung disease
    • Peripheral neuropathy
    • Hypertension
    • Muscular atrophy
    • Autism
    • Multiple sclerosis
    • Rheumatism
    • Oligospermia
    • Impotence
    • Muscle sprain

    A step-by-step procedure of pizhichil 

    Every Ayurvedic therapy requires preoperative, operative and postoperative procedures.

    Preoperative procedure

    • Patients should sit on the droni with legs extended, with minimum clothes.
    • Talam is applied with a suitable oil or churna and Karna Purana (filling the ear with oil).
    • Tie a gauze around the head above the eyebrows.
    • Ears are plugged with cotton, and oil is smeared all over the body (mild abhyanga).

    Operative procedure

    • Heat the oil for Pizhichil in a vessel by keeping it in a hot water bath. Maintain the temperature of the oil at 42°C-45°C.
    • The cotton pieces should be dipped in warm oil and poured by squeezing cloth pieces held in one hand of the masseurs.
    • The oil is supposed to flow in a uniform stream from the thumb facing downwards, from 6 to 9 inches, as per the condition.
    • The process should be carried out in seven positions of Kayaseka, which are as follows.
    1. Sitting 2. Supine 3. Right lateral 4. Supine 5. Left lateral 6. Supine 7. Sitting. Also, if necessary, adopt a prone position too.
    • Oil flowing out is collected and is used only after reheating. 
    • A gentle massage is usually given along the oil stream. It is always desirable to use fresh oil daily.
    • But as the medicated oil is very costly these days, the same oil can use for 3 days after removing the sediments. Preserve this after removing moisture. Add a little quantity of fresh oil to this to maintain the quantity.
    • On the fourth day, fresh oil should be taken & used for the next 2 days. On the seventh day, both these batches of oil can use again.
    • Kayaseka can be done using the kernel, also. In this, oil should be filled in the kernel & poured on the body after checking the temperature by pouring on the dorsum of the therapist’s hand. Modern equipment with auto temperature regulation is developing presently.

    Post-operative procedure

    • Wipe the oil from the body with the help of either coconut leaves or tongue cleaners.
    • Clean the body with a soft towel.
    • Talam should be removed, and a choorna like Rasnadi should be applied on the head.
    • Gandharvahastadi Kashaya should be given for drinking.
    • Take a rest for 1/2 an hour and take a bath.
    • Take a medicated head bath with Amalaki kwatha and for the body with eranda kwatha.


    45 minutes to 1 hour for 7, 14 or 21 days

    Time of procedure

     7 am to 11 am or 4 pm to 6 pm 

    Oils used for pizhichil

    Medicated oils are prescribed according to the patient’s condition after considering the disease’s strength and the patient’s. However, as a part of maintaining health, certain oils are commonly used. They are

    • Murivenna
    • Sahacharadi thailam
    • Mahanarayana thailam
    • Dhanwantharam thailam

    Benefits of pizhichil treatment

    Pizhichil helps to overcome Vata rogas. Since it massages the entire body, pizhichil is a great rejuvenator for the nervous, circulatory, and muscles. 

    The major benefits of pizhichil treatment are as follows.

    • Increases circulation and metabolism and thus help in restoring health.
    • It helps in the regeneration of the body.
    • It is often useful in many ailments like arthritis and neurological and degenerative disorders as it helps induce diaphoresis (sweating).
    • It enhances the skin lustre and complexion, as it improves the circulation
    • It enhances immunity and lifespan.
    • Helps in mental and physical relaxation by relieving stress.
    • Managee degeneration and improves the mobility of the joints
    • Boost vitality and strengthens immunity
    • Enhances the body’s capacity to eliminate wastes and toxins
    • Stimulates the efficiency of circulatory and lymphatic systems

    Dos and don’ts during and after pizhichil treatments 

    Pizhichil is a tiresome procedure as it dries up the body, so hydration is a prerequisite. Always stay hydrated pre and post-procedure.


    • Drink lukewarm water
    • Maintain celibacy
    • Sound sleep
    • Consume foods in liquid form, warm, non-secretary, not too unctuous, not mixed with many varieties of substances and shall be in appropriate quantity.
    • Hot water for all purposes


    • Heavy exercises, loud speech, anger, grief
    • Direct contact with Air conditioner or fan
    • Day time sleep
    • Suppression of the natural urges
    • Chilled food and drinks
    • Viruddha ahara ( incompatible foods)
    • Exposure to scorching sunlight, snowfall and strong winds
    • Travel either in vehicles or by walking long distances, being talkative, and sitting continuously at the same place.
    • Use pillows that are either too thick or too thin.
    • Exposure to smoke and dust.

    Note: The regimen prescribed here is not flexible. As chalked in the introduction, The patient should accept the issue and go through this phase in a receptive way with a positive attitude.


    Ayurvedic therapies ensure an answer for all your pains, ailments and diseases. 

    However, it is essential to consult an authentic Ayurveda doctor in an authentic Ayurvedic hospital in Kerala before undertaking any of these treatments, especially Pizhichil.

    Let us disappear those diseases with Ayurvedic detoxification therapies.

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